1:30 am: Hopefully Greyson is still sleeping from his 7:30/8pm bedtime. But who knows, I might be feeding him.
3 am: Greyson wakes up to eat. Feed him.
6 am: Greyson wakes up to eat. Feed him. Sleep may continue at this point, or Harper wakes up and our day begins.
7 am: Definitely up by now, make breakfast, drink coffee, decide what I will do today.
8 am: Clean kitchen, start laundry, debate whether or not I should get me and the kids ready and take the 1 hour journey to take to jordan to work and back so I have a car?
9 am: Usually decided not to take Jordan to work, and begin feeling clostrophobic in my house.
10am: Walk? I hope it's not raining.
11 am: What to do, what to do...
12/1 pm: Lunch. Harper naps, hopefully. Greyson naps, hopefully. Me....clean, cook, sit for about 10 minutes, maybe even make myself an iced latte.
2/2:30 pm: Everyone is awake. Now what?
3 pm: Walk....somewhere, anywhere.
4 pm: Movie/TV time for Harper so I can clean/cook.
5:30 pm: Dinner.
6 - 7:30 pm: Do whatever I can to not go crazy during Greyson's "crabby" time, and Harper's "almost time for bed" time....Jordan get's home at 7:30.
By 8 pm: Jordan is putting Harper down, I'm putting Greyson down.
8:30 pm: T.V. is on, computer is open, brain is tired.
9 pm: Debate whether or not it is too early to go to bed, eventually decided that it is ok to be lame, and I go to bed.
This is my life in a nutshell. Every once in a while there is some quality time with friends, a trip to the grocery store, some good ole' fashion fun. But mostly, these are my days.
As you can imagine it can get very mundane. I love being with my kids, I do, and I know that every moment we spend together I am teaching them something, and that this is preparing them to be wonderful, loving, responsible adults someday. But sometimes, I feel like I'm working towards nothing, not "going" anywhere. I get stuck in a pattern.
Jordan is at school, getting some kind of degree, and learning all sorts of things. And trust me, I DO NOT want to be in school right now (I'd rather stab a pencil in my eye), but I feel like I do need to be working towards something....for me.
So, I sat down and started a bucket list. I thought maybe if I could just get a few "goals" written down, some vision for where I see my life going, that I would feel as though I had a bit more of a purpose in my daily life.
As I started writing things down I realized that there were 2 categories. Those that take money to accomplish, and those that don't. For instance, buying a house, taking my family on a trip out of the country, get a tattoo, own a business cost a lot of money. But there are a quite a few that would cost me little to no money! Here are a few of the things that I can do for myself...
1) Learn how to play piano
2) Run a marathon
3) Be on a TV game show
4) Hike a 14er
I think that I am going to challenge myself to accomplish one of these things within the next year. I don't want to go crazy because I really want to enjoy this time I have with my kids, but I also know I will be a better Mom if I am working towards a goal that revolves around me.
I'm not sure which one I will choose, but I do think this is one of the best ways of accomplishing my journey towards mastering the art of making something out of nothing. In a marathon you only need a good pair of shoes, and your body. To be on a TV show, all you need to do apply (I SOOOO want to be on amazing race). You get the point. I also think that I will feel a more of a sense of purpose in my everyday life, I'll feel like I am working towards something. So here goes....
What are some of the things on your bucket list that you can start checking off?