Friday, June 25, 2010

A feast from a few simple ingredients.

Ugh! It is stupid HOT today. I am stuck at home with my 2 boys trying to keep cool. You know it's hot when your 2.5 year old isn't bugging you to go outside, and is preferring to sit next to the fan over running around the house like a crazy person. Lunch time came around, and I was stumped. I definitely didn't want to turn on my stove, and I've had sandwiches the last 3 days in a row. I was on facebook having some funny conversations about cutting mangos, which I have only recently begun to enjoy, and began to think of things I could make with a mango. I opened my fridge and pulled out things from my fruit/veggie basket and created the most yummy lunch EVER! It could easily be an impressive dinner at a very low cost! I've only calculated the recipe to serve one, but it would be pretty simple to multiply to your needs. So, here is my cheap, yummy, simple, healthy lunch!

1/2 of a mango, diced
1/2 of an avocado, diced
4ish cherry tomatoes, cut in half
3ish tablespoons of black beans (I heated mine in the micro for a few seconds)
the green part from one green onion
juice from half a lime
salt and pepper to taste

Put all the ingredients in a bowl and stir. I split the mixture between 3 corn tortilla's with a bit of sour cream on each tortilla.

Oh my, oh my, oh my. It was perfect on this hot summer day, not to mention super healthy!

This meal is only about $1.50 per person @ 3 tortillas a serving :). The cost, of course, is low b/c I bought almost all my ingredients on sale, but none of the ingredients are very expensive even if they are not on sale. If you want to fancy it up for probably about $.50/person, throw some shrimp on the grill and add it to the mix....I think I'll do that next time!

Seriously...go make this. It's good.


  1. it's weird, i just came back from the grocery store with some random sale items...2 mangos, 8 avocados, 1 bunch green onions, and 1 lime. maybe it was meant to be :) thanks for the recipe idea.

