Thursday, January 14, 2010

Getting over myself

Just over a month ago we moved back to Colorado. Beautiful Colorado! With the help of some wonderful friends we found a great town house for a great price with tons of space! Although we love our new home, Jordan and I both feel like our stuff doesn't 'fit'.

We have always rented...never bought. And in each house we've moved into (which has been more then I would like to admit), there has always been an little extra money to help make sense of awkward spaces, ugly fixtures, etc. If you have ever lived in a rental, you know exactly what I'm talking about! This time around, there was no money in the budget for new anything. So with my list of wants running long, and my bank account running low I've been trying to make it work.

I've come up with a few "fixes", but nothing fantastic. I have one successful fix, one complete failure (that I'm still determined to turn into a success), and then through all my frustrations, my lesson learned.

Success: Sheets for curtains. Yes, sheets for curtains. The previous tenant was apparently a freak of nature and decided that closet doors were not necessary. She removed them ALL, and threw them away! Our poor landlord had quite a mess to clean up after her eviction and one thing that is left for him to do is special order closet doors (for whatever reason the designer of the home decided closets should go to the ceiling, and they don't sell doors like that at lowe's). So, here were are, with out closet doors. The only thing I can think to cover my closets are curtains. As previously mentioned, these closets go all the way to the ceiling. Do you know how hard it is to find curtains that long? And when you do how much they cost?! It's ridiculous! Fabric is not cheap either. Even if you find decent material at $4 a yard, you still need 6+ adds up fast. One day I had an epiphany. I realized that most sheets are over 100 inches long, making them them the perfect length for curtains to cover my closets!! Being an avid thrifter, I often notice that there are an abundance of sheets at almost any second hand store. Used sheet on my bed, I admit, freak me out. But, used sheets as curtains...I could handle that. So I hit up my favorite thrift store on 50% off day, and scored a few sheets for $2 or $3 each! Then I found some cheap curtain rods for another $6 and *BAM* I have closet doors for less then $10!

Failure: Although craigslist is incredibly helpful 99% of the time, we are currently in a fight. With our second child's arrival just around the corner we are finding there are more then just a few items we need. One of those items is a dresser. We've always made do with a bit of closet space and a few drawers on Harper's changing table for all of Harper's clothes, but with a second child....we need more storage! Silly me, thought "how hard could it possibly be to find a cheap functioning used dresser?". Well, apparently it can be VERY hard. I have visit approx. 3 thrift stores a week, and get on craigslist AT LEAST 3 times a day checking for a small, basic dresser for $40 or less. Impossible! The ones I find at thrift stores are too expensive, too ugly, or too broken. The ones on craigslist are mostly the same. I have come across a few, but by the time I email about them someone has already taken them. I am not lying to you when I say that I have emailed within 2 hours of a post and it has been gone! So, craigslist and I are in a least until I get what I want.

Lesson learned or better yet "Getting over it": I'm learning to get over myself. Who cares if I don't have the prettiest artwork, the most comfortable sofa, or the most perfectly coordinated interior design? Seriously! I get mad at myself just thinking these things. Do I judge others by the "coolness" of their house, their clothes, their car?
NO! Then why do I hold myself to these judgements? All I want for my home is for it to be known as a place where people feel at home. I want others to feel like this place can be a refuge, a place where they can put up their feet and be served a cup a tea. I want YOU to be comfortable in my home. And that doesn't happen through a new picture, new curtains, or a new anything! So, I need to learn to get over it. It's not about my stuff.

My home is at its best when it is filled with my family, friends, tears, and laughter.....and maybe a good latte or two :).


  1. Good point....I wish I was home right now sipping on a latte.

  2. so true! we are still living with my parents and we've been checking a few places out and everytime we go into a new place my first thought how am I going to fill this space...we barely have any furniture and don't have a ton of money to throw down on new goodwill it is!! so encouraging to know I'm not alone!!! wish i could come over for tea=(!!!
